Stranger, With Ginger
Barely Pink gets a lot out of a chance meeting with an anonymous stranger over the bok choy in the produce section:
His hand settles decisively on the bok choy. Ah, a risk taker.
I study him. He looks to be a man versed in vegetables: lean and fierce, with an artistic air that is less calculated than natural. He is handsome, yes, but not obviously so. Distinguished, certainly. He could lead a conversation about gardening that would leave one’s thighs quaking for the moistness of dirt.
I follow him. He lingers at the ginger root, fingers it, and glances at me.
No, not so quiet, this man.
Thanks for the shout out, Spice King!
After dropping a number of hints about ginger, I finally came right out and asked for it. I’m using your site as a handy reference guide for its future employment. :P